Dr Robert Moore was an internationally recognized psychotherapist and consultant in private practice in Chicago. Although he worked with both men and women, and was considered one of the leading therapists specializing in psychotherapy with men because of his discovery of the Archetypal Dynamics of the Masculine Self (King, Warrior, Magician, Lover). He served as Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Spirituality at the Graduate Center of the Chicago Theological Seminary, and has served as a Training Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is Co-founder of the Chicago Center for Integrative Psychotherapy.
News update: This website platform is about 15 years old and many of the order features break from time-to-time. We are working on a new website and hope to launch it some time this summer. All sales are being used to keep Dr. Moore's work in circulation through this website. We hope you finding your true self through his works and keep up the work of being the mature male or female that we are designed to be.
Publications by
Robert Moore's Resource Catalog
The Resource Catalog represents all of Dr. Moore's theories and discoveries, and includes 8 pages of diagrams from The King Within. Including publications on archetypes and archetypal theory, masculinity and masculine psychology, structural diagnosis and integrative psychotherapy, integrative spirituality, myth and psyche, personal and social transformation, and Jungian studies, the current guide includes the following recent releases:
RM58 - Dancing the Four Quarters: Visions of Grassroots Masculine Leadership
RM57 - Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives: The Deity and the Dragon Inside Us
RM52 - The Great Self Within: Men and the Quest for Significance
Start your New Year right with publications by Robert Moore.
Recently Released and Forthcoming
Robert Moore's Programs Are Now Available in MP3 Format
Listen online, or download to your computer and transfer to your MP3 player. Now you can listen to Dr. Moore's programs anytime, anyplace. And because MP3s are less expensive than CDs, you will save money too. Kick off 2013 with MP3 audio by Robert Moore.
DOWNLOAD MP3 Programs by Robert Moore TODAY!
King Warrior Magician Lover Complete Audio Set
Finally, the complete set on audio, King Warrior Magician Lover Complete Audio Set. Each of these have been offered as separate offerings, now available as a set. saves you money are makes access easier.
Dancing the Four Quarters: Visions of Grassroots Masculine Leadership
Dancing the Four Quarters: Visions of Grassroots Masculine Leadership is an interview by Robert Moore and Forrest Craver. Recorded in the 1990s, this program concerns masculine empowerment and development of the male psyche along the four developmental lines. According to Dr. Moore, “The masculine psyche is made up of four distinct spaces, what was known in mythology as Four Quarters: the King, the Warrior, the Magician and the Lover. A mature man is a man who is able to embody the concerns that are appropriate to each of these sectors of the male psyche.” In light of current events, men's work, and the mature masculine—as presented here by Dr. Moore—is critically important for both men and for the survival of our society.
Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives: The Deity and the Dragon Inside Us
Presented at the Oblate School of Theology’s 2014 Summer Institute conference, Coping with Grandiosity in Our Lives: The Deity and the Dragon Inside Us, continues Dr. Robert Moore’s important research on the growing epidemic of grandiosity and unregulated energy, and what we can do about it. Each of the following presentations includes a lecture followed by question and answer session with the audience.
LECTURE 1: The Flood: Facing the Growing Global Epidemic of Grandiosity
LECTURE 2: Understanding Our Need for a Psycho-Spiritual Ark
LECTURE 3: The Real Ark: Building the Followship of the Golden Dragon
The Great Self Within: Men and the Quest for Significance
Using the "Firebird" story as a springboard to explore the human desire for the extraordinary, Robert Moore lays out what it means to dedicate oneself to the service of the "King" and to find the "Great Self" within.
Available in mp3 format. CLICK HERE TO ORDER.
RM52mp3 1 MP3 $14.95
FREE MP3 Audio Downloads by Robert Moore
Titles include: The Nature and Dynamic of Evil, Active Imagination,
Global Human Initiation and the Collective Unconscious, and many others.
Click for more information and to begin downloading.
Help in Dealing with the Anxiety of Terrorism