
Chicago Center for Integrative Psychotherapy
Our process can best be described as deep play. Jung was a phenomenologist first in that he sought always to ground his psychological insights and discoveries in immediate personal experience. In my view, the phenomena of play is one of the most basic and creative human activities. It potentiates creative order, inventive thinking, and problem solving. When one is at play, one has an opportunity to separate the experience of the present from the anxious non-being place of the past and the future. This experience can energize and integrate the process of inner work through the exploration of the mythic imagination. Through the phenomena of Dreamwork/Active Imagination and Sandplay we gain self-understanding and insight. 

The unconscious has a language and a nature of its own. The Centerpoint Series opens this world to those who search for the meaning of their lives and for values rooted in something richer than the dictates of the current culture. Its written works, self-guided courses and newsletters bring the wisdom of the inner world into dialogue with the reality of the outer world. The Series draws from the insights of C. G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, and generations of respected Jungian analysts.

John Lee specializes in:
  • Healing of relationships,
  • Enhancing compassionate human behavior…
  • and
  • Elevating adults with positive power to face today’s challenges

Journey into Wholeness seeks to provide a bridge between religious traditions, spirituality and society through the psychology of Carl Jung, offering an opportunity to explore these concepts and what they may have to offer us on our spiritual journey.

Doug von Koss is a gifted artist, teacher and performer who presents chanting workshops, study trips, poetry performances, rituals and other festive surprises in widening circles around the country, in Canada and in Europe. Doug is the Artistic Director of THE NOAH PROJECT, a men's ritual performance group in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc is founder and director of Institute for Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology in Coral Gables, Florida, and is dedicated to keeping Mental Health Professionals updated on his latest Inventories, Theory, Taxonomy, Books, and Activities.

Elmer Postle OWL PRODUCTIONS: Televisual media supporting liberation and choice
Owl Productions provides TV camera and production services to the broadcast television industry. We produce corporate programs for business as well as productions for the web and for sale on DVD internationally. Our recent clients include the BBC, Eli Lilly - 'Cialis', Velocity PR, 'A Band Of Brothers' Mentoring Charity, Olivier Mythodrama and the Hemisphere Group.

Fathers to Be is an initiative to help generate and resource the principle of 'enough support' for fathers in the time of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

C.G. Jung Association of Central Ohio