The Warrior Within: A Study in Masculine Psychology

The Warrior Within: A Study in Masculine Psychology

Product #: RM12mp3
Venue: C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
Date: January 18, 1989
Number of MP3 files: 6

Price: $34.95

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The Warrior is the archetype of self-disciplined, aggressive action. If Warrior energy is not accessed properly, a man may find himself caught up in cruel or self-destructive behavior. The mature Warrior, however, will be energetic, decisive and perservering in reaching his goals.

Robert Moore's course covers the following topics:
•    The Warrior Archetype in Myth, Folklore and Religion
•    The Warrior in Masculine Creativity and Leadership
•    The Warrior in Masculine Psychopathology
•    Creating the "Rainbow Warrior": Resources for Healing the Warrior

6 MP3s