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Conscience and Jung's Moral Vision: From Id to Thou
By David W. Robinson, Ph.D.

    This is the first book to provide a philosophically-grounded, critical and comparative analysis of Jung's moral psychology through an exploration of his theory of conscience. In contrast to simplistic stereotypes, it is demonstrated that moral struggle is at the heart of his psychology.

Spiritual Questing: Embarking on a search for meaning, more and more American are turning to the mythic psychology of the late Carl Jung


The Man Behind the Mythology

by Erica E. Goode
The Search for Meaning in American Life, Science & Society, U.S. News & World Report, December 7, 1992

"Viewed in its most positive sense, the new interest in Jung represents an effort to forge connections in an increasingly fragmented world, its myths and symbols creating what Doniger terms "an invisible community." Jung's theory, says British analyst Andrew Samuels, is a "mongrel" psychology, mixing myths and symbols of disparate cultures, yet linking all humanity through the collective unconscious. It speaks, he says, to a question on many people's minds in the 1990s: "To what extent am I supremely myself, and to what extent do I share an identity with others?"

From Many Imaginations, One Fearsom Creature (note: free log-in to New York Times required to obtain more information)

by Donald G. McNeil Jr.
from New York Times, Science Times, Tuesday, April 29, 2003

  • Dragons:
  • ...imagination or reality?
  • ..."factual" or myth?
  • Across cultures: the Inuit, in Switzerland, China, the Aztecs…